
I am passionate about visioning a healthy and vibrant Watertown, and I am dedicated to doing the practical work of bringing the energy and citizen focus we need to accomplish that vision.

I have been active in Watertown since 1990, but most of my focus over the past two years has been on development and transit issues, where I spearheaded citizen-led efforts that led to the creation of new Design Guidelines and Standards. Through this and other volunteer efforts I have demonstrated a very personal style of leadership throughout the community. By initiating conversations with many neighbors, business owners, and town officials, I have been able to develop partnerships which elevate the discussions and create better outcomes. I am confident that I will be an effective Town Councilor and remain committed to my neighborhood, my District and my Town. I expect to expand my energies into these core areas:

Smart Growth Development: Development that makes sense, includes neighborhood preservation, diverse housing opportunities, sustainability, a focus on the public realm.

Traffic and Transit: Avoid gridlock - traffic calming, pedestrian-oriented complete streets, TMAs (Transportation Management Associations), improved public transit.

Community Engagement: Growing leaders for a growing Watertown - government that actively seeks citizen input and capitalizes on the knowledge, energy, and talents of volunteers.

Education:  Communicate and celebrate - fully support the needs of the schools and make them the center of the community.

Environment: Protecting our assets - Storm water management, noise pollution, Charles River access, open space and recreational facilities.

I am committed to collaborating with all parties to bring the creative solutions needed to address the growing issues that confront us.

Relevant links:

Check out the video candidate interviews on WCA-TV with Bob Kaprelian:                              

Watertown MA News - follow this link to see recent Q&A on  issues

Watertown Public Transit Task Force

Watertown Strong Schools